Friday, November 19, 2010

Photos (With Words)

needed a little extra time to say goodbye
camping spot on turkey island, rock river
approximately 1 mile to confluence

same camping spot as above
i wanted a photo showing rock river width
this will help with mississippi river comparisons

only a few feet left of rock river
then we get to play the molecule game
(nico on the watch for asian carp)

the confluence
omr on omr

mississippi river shot
there's industry ahead

towboat sighting
(this one wasn't moving)
(ergo: no wake)

first campsite on the mississippi river
and site of rest day
off the main channel it has rock river appeal

mississippi river shot from thursday
navigational light
i am just a hint river left off the main channel

inside the lock
we only dropped a couple of feet
the lockmaster is upper left and on his way to open the second set of gates

nico looking forward to muscatine
since i spend most of my time paddle right, i appreciate nico left

waiting in muscatine as a train goes by
those same train tracks will later kill my canoe cart

what's that candy wrapper doing there?
well, don't you see it?
well pick it up.


  1. Is cart repair on Muscatine agenda? I remember the assembly on the porch steps at 817.

  2. We love the pictures! Sadie misses that neighbor guy.......Karl . Be safe.
