Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day Fourteen

"Is it possible to have more rest days than paddle days?  This is the best trip ever." 

Today was marked by relaxation, with activities such as playing fetch with Nico, watching tugboats and barges, and listening to trains.  On tap for tomorrow is the first lock of the trip and a float down to Muscatine, Iowa.  The weekend will be spent with Matty J and the fam.  When life is good, it's really good.
Today's coordinates: 41 27.109n 90 49.557w (same as yesterday)


  1. Slov - Check day thirteen for your happy kitten news.

    In today's news -
    You may have lost a number of Facebook friends yesterday Karl.

    It was: Facebook Unfriend Day: Jimmy Kimmel wants you to have fewer friends . . . .

    I do whatever Jimmy Kimmel thinks is best. Its like religion, only it makes more sense.

    Sorry. Slov got me all bent out of shape.

  2. Back before the glaciers receded, I used to sit on a bluff over the Missouri on the easternmost boundary of the property where we lived, or on one of the stone dikes extending into the river, and spent hours watching the tugs and barges--to this day I have a love for tugs...


    This is pretty cool. Yay republicans. . . .

  4. congrats on getting to muscatine karlson! i'm sure the house of matilda j will serve you well. more rest!
