Saturday, November 20, 2010

Questions Answered

It turns out the best class at BMHS have some questions for me.  They are from Ms. Brown's third block class.

Answers to these questions, however, are going to cost 3rd Block some stuff... be prepared.  Bionka - one package of Skittles.  Trisha - you'll have to let me win in Uno.  Ever - you'll need to sing some songs.  Jamie - no more calling me Baldy.  And JL - you get a free pass.

1. Where do you take a shower?
I don't take a shower.  But when I got to spend the night in the hotel and (now) when I'm at my friend's house... I get showers.  I do have some soap so I could use the river water to bathe in, but the water temperature is 45 degrees.  Too cold.  So after a day or two of canoeing: I get really really smelly.  Thankfully Nico doesn't complain about how bad I smell.
2. How are you going to get back from Texas?
My dad is going to drive my car to Texas so it will be there when I get there.  I really should thank him more for doing that.  You guys should thank him, too.  I bet if you were loud enough, he might be able to hear you.  (Pause) Still not loud enough...
3. Where do you go to the bathroom?
There are a lot of parks/boat docks along the way that have bathrooms.  I use those.  But if they aren't around... the woods.
4. What do you eat everyday?
Breakfast - oatmeal and hot chocolate

Lunch - a couple of peanut butter and honey sandwiches and some granola

Dinner - either pasta or rice and a can of fruit (fruit cocktail or pears)

Dessert - candy bar

Drinks - a whole bunch of water (but not from the river)
5.  Did you bring anything to read?
I only brought my bird book.  But then one of my friends had 6 books delivered to me.  I've already read 3 of them.  So how many more do I have to read before I'll need some new ones?
6. How many clothes do you have with you?
Two shirts (one for canoeing and one for camp)
Two pairs of pants (one for canoeing and one for camp)
Two pairs of long underwear
Three pairs of socks
Two pairs of shoes
Two winter hats
Two pairs of gloves
One pair of mittens
(and some underwear)

7. How do you brush your teeth?
I brought a toothbrush and some toothpaste.
8. How do you shave?  (do you?)
I'm not shaving.  Do you remember my beard from the end of last year?  It's starting to grow back.
9. Has Nico been a good boy or jumped in the river like a naughty boy?
She has been a good girl and hasn't jumped in the river yet.  But she was naughty when she ran away and rolled in some poop.  I had to give her a bath.

10. How long will your trip take?
I don't know.  I'm guessing that I still have anywhere from 2 to 3 months before I'm finished.

Great questions.  I can't wait to see all of you when I'm done.  Plus I heard Jamie might have a present for me.

1 comment:

  1. in response to nico rolling in some poop:
