Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Thirteen

A moment of silence for Karl's departure from the Rock River... and one of celebration for his entry into the Mississippi!  Karl did it up right with a quart of chocolate milk from The Little Store in Andalusia, Illinois.  He also picked up some Skittles and Dr. Pepper to enjoy with his Zatarain's (The Official Dinner Product of the 2010-2011 Karl Poetzl Canoe Extravaganza).  Things had nowhere to go but up as the start canoeing was delayed by Nico running off, rolling around in some poo, and returning to camp.  Suffice to say, she soon received her first bath of the trip.

The total bird count for the Rock River was 42 species.  At 2:42 pm, Karl had a magic 15 seconds where no sounds from civilization could be heard.  That is why we play the game.

Coming soon...quality Matty J time in Muscatine, Iowa!

Today's coordinates: 41 27.109n 90 49.557w 


  1. Way to go Nico! Isn't it fun keeping your human on his toes. I miss you Karl. Sadie

  2. good work karl! if you can't beat nico in the poo roll perhaps you should join her. it worked for arnold in predator.

    can you block mr. negative frantz from bringing his agenda to this otherwise upbeat blog? he's such a debbie downer. he frantz, can you find something nice to share with karl? maybe about kittens or something...

  3. From the toronto sun . . .
    'Autumn' - the cat, was found in a ditch on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010, by the Humane Society of Durham Region after clawing her way out of a garbage bag. Investigators are looking for whoever placed the cat in the bag and left her north of Ajax along the road to die. (Humane Society of Durham Region photo)

    How you like me now SLOV. . . .!

  4. http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2010/11/11/16089816.html

  5. And now, On topic - 15 seconds of silence is amazing. Very jealous. Well earned Spooky. Good on ya, mate.

  6. ...at least you didn't need tomato juice....

    may there be more magic seconds of non-civilized sound--be at peace.
