Thursday, November 4, 2010

Futile Devices

Feel free to follow along via latitude, longitude, and your mapping preference.  (Google Earth works just fine, but USGS quad maps are wonderful.)

Each night that I have cell phone reception, I'll text the coordinates of my camp site to Eaux who will post the fun on here.  I'll even use the remaining characters in my texting as a way of providing a brief update.  Perhaps, if I'm lucky, I'll develop some Sarah Palin Twitter skills.


Starting location:

42 30.320 N, 89 01.686 W

Point of entry to the Rock River:

42 30.309 N, 89 01.941 W


  1. You know I'm not technologically awesome. Giving me coordinates is hard work, but I'm nosey so, I'll figure it out. Please keep balanced amounts of beer with you so you don't tip over. Oh, and I seriously want a picture of a jackolope. Not kidding. Have an amazing trip - can't wait to hear all about it! Travel safely!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. For those who want to just look at where Karl is going, you can follow it on Google Maps.

    Or download the KML file that I will continually update and open it in Google Maps.

    Good luck getting to Cairo, IL! I hear once you get past there it's all tropical.
