Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1000 Things To Do Before You Die: #47 - #53

#47: Congratulate a friend on becoming a first time father.

Accomplished: Tuesday, August 7, 2012.

Zero-credit: "Like it" on Facebook.

Half-credit: "+1" on Google+.

Extra-credit: Have an actual (real) (personal) interaction with your friend.

#48: Suggest baby names.

Accomplished: Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

Half-credit: Alex Morgan Wambach Solskjaer Owenby.  Erica Cantona Owenby.

Extra-credit: Eloise.

#49: Watch a US Women's soccer game.

Accomplished: Thursday, August 9, 2012.

Half-credit: Men's.

Extra-credit: Remind a Canadian they could have won a gold medal if their goalie hadn't held onto the ball for sooooooo long.

#50: Attend a meeting and get trained on how to register for the mandatory professional development training provided by your employer one day after the training has ended.

Accomplished: Friday, August 10, 2012.

Half-credit: You don't wait (alone) in the room 15 minutes for the meeting to start.

Extra-credit: You were informed (via email, phone call, letter, smoke signal) the meeting had been moved up an hour.

#51: Jump off a cliff.

Accomplished: A few times, but most recently ~1 year ago.

Half-credit: No Matty J, Davo, or Anthony to jump with you.

Extra-credit: Back 2.5 somersault with 2.5 twists.

#52: See a moose.

Accomplished: A few times, but most recently ~1 year ago.

Half-credit: No Matty J, Davo, Anthony, or Nico to witness it with you.

Extra-credit: Boris with Moose and Squirrel.

#53: Discover your school placed a camera in your room instead of the In-School-Suspension room.

Accomplished: Monday, August 13, 2012.

Half-credit: Not an accident.

Extra-credit: An accident.

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