Saturday, July 7, 2012

Team 242: Some Photos

Mt Josephine.

Part of the Grand Portage National Monument.

With Ranger Alex (see 1000 Things #3)

Congratulating each other on finally finding the Monument.
One year earlier I tried to sleep in the same spot. Mosquitoes sent me into a car.

American Moon Moth. (Thanks Karen B for the ID)

Water under a bridge.

Water before the bridge. (Much more water than 10 years ago)

Will you marry me Meagan? (see 1000 Things #4)

Hand built. The owner, unlike 9 and 10 years ago, was not home.

Reenacting a Slovic photo from 10 years earlier.


Stanberry Rail Saloon.  Stanberry, Wisconsin.

KP and KP.

A refreshing dip in the Sugar River.  (Thanks Becky C)

Rock River.  This time via bicycle and not canoe.

Hennepin Canal Trail.

Rest stop with threatening weather on the way. (We missed it.)

Rock Island Trail. (See 1000 Things #10)

Peoria, Illinois.  Illinois River below.

Welcome Team 242.  Peoria, Illinois.

Illinois State Capitol and Lincoln.

More threatening weather. (We missed it.)


  1. Nice bike! I'm about to start riding on the same one!

  2. Katharine GricevichJuly 9, 2012 at 11:05 PM

    The team came through Springfield and I missed the chance to make encouraging signs, feed anyone, and/or yell non sequiturs?! OHHHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I thought I'd reviewed the map carefully...but apparently, it was not carefully enough. Glad to know the crew is safe and, once again, wonderfully accomplished.

  3. (Also: Coprolite. I had the thought, "Maybe that doesn't mean what I think it means."

    As it turns out, it means exactly what I think it means. You are a man of great mystery, Karl.)
