Day 14: Grenada, Mississippi to Canton, Mississippi. 98.06 miles.
I stopped short of Duck Hill, Mississippi to drink water. I was hoping to get a refill in town.
10 years ago in Duck Hill, Eaux had 2 flat tires (one front, one back) within 20 feet of each other. Maybe 30. Either way he was out of tubes and we had a long wait before the support vehicles could get back to us. A lady appeared from a house and offered her kitchen as a place we could hide from the heat and wait for the spare tube. Her daughter lived next door and within a few minutes she had joined us in conversation.
Somewhere in all of that we were offered water, but not Duck Hill tap. Her father (or husband) had dug a well and they promised it was the best water in the county (or state). The water was, indeed, delicious and I made sure to never finish my entire bottle so I could return some water molecules of that Duck Hill magic to the DBrowne tree.
This year I couldn't refind the house though I think I had a good candidate on the north side of town. I chickened out on knocking on the door (maybe it's the summer beard or spandex that kept me away), but I'll find some good (not better) water to take back to Beloit and the tree.
The first year we survived on hot dogs. The second year was beef sticks. I don't remember the special food items from the other years, but on our 10th Anniversary with the 100+ daily temperatures, we've turned to popsicles at our rest stops. Or instead of a popsicle, perhaps a quiescently frozen confection?
We were unable to get in contact with the pastor of the church (up left in above photo) so we chalked a couple of 242s and will return tomorrow. Tonight we're at a Best Western with a swimming pool. However, we're lucky that we didn't get kicked out because Karen broke Swimming Pool Rule #7: Women must wear swim caps.
I also broke the No Diving rule, but a kid who was already in the pool informed me that it was ok because he breaks that rule all the time. A few minutes later he made his dive. His feet hit the water first, but his hands were properly praying.
Track 11: Jonsi - Sinking Friendships. No one knows you, till it's over.
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