Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Team 242 Supper Clubs: Day Six

Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin to Racine, Wisconsin.

Distance pedaled: 106.19 miles.

The 127 miles from the previous day meant we arrived a bit too late to supper club.  So spaghetti was cooked and devoured.

But today was much, much shorter.  106 miles.  And we arrived in time for our Racine planned supper club: The Hob Nob.

Appetizer: Blue Points on the half-shell. (Oysters.)

Soup: French Onion.

Dinner: Baked Icelandic Cod.

Eauxenby's dinner included the Hob Nob's version of onion rings (more along the line of onion strings) which he gave to me, so one food item has remained constant.  (Cheese curds were conspicuously missing from the menu.)

The Good: The Hob Nob sits right up against Lake Michigan so if you're close to a window, you get an expansive view of the Lake.  Also, the neighbor to the Hob Nob has put up a purple martin house where actual purple martins have taken up residence (ergo the purple martin became a new trip bird).  The food was pretty good, too.  I'm not usually a french onion fan, but yes, good.

The Bad: They forgot the milk I ordered.

The Depressing: At the table next to us was a family (presumably) and with them was grandma (presumably).  Or at least there was a lady who appeared to be in her late 80s though probably 90s.  In front of her was a small plate with a dinner roll split in two.  Maybe a small piece from the middle was missing.  And a brandy old fashioned glass was empty of a brandy old fashioned.  Again, I'm presuming grandma had a brandy old fashioned - this is Wisconsin.  I hope she had something spirited in the glass because she spent most of the two hours with her head down... not asleep, just head down and stare.  Other than three times (I counted, but am not counting the time when she was wheeled away at the end of the evening), she was ignored by the rest of the table.  (Sidenote: It has the potential to show up as a Track 11, but tonight it did not.  But the song did shuffle into my mind during the ignorings of grandma.  John Prine - Hello In There.  You know that old trees just grow stronger.  And old rivers grow wilder every day.  Old people just grow lonesome.  Waiting for someone to say hello in there, hello.  Note: Not an official video.)


On a lighter note, Eauxenby parked the Team 242 support vehicle (owned by Slovic) next to a similarly colored Porsche.  Rather closely, too.

The Team 242 support vehicle's heat shield is loose and rattles loudly.  One of the back door handles was ripped off during an attempting opening of the door (not robbing of the vehicle, just a regular opening of the door).  The gas gauge stopped working for a few days earlier in the week.  And the speedometer was stuck on 0 for a few days, too.  So parking it next to a Porsche (convertible at that) brought a few needed laughs.

(Another note: Eauxenby claimed he parked within the yellow lines and I trusted him.  But looking at the photo, did Eaux misinform?)


According to Team 242 members, the Brandy Old Fashioned was strong.  And with a parking lot just a quick drop from Lake Michigan, Eaux and I wondered how the Hob Nob might handle inebriated patrons attempting to leave the parking lot safely.  They went with warning signs.


And another warning sign.

Third note: Eaux and I did not sneak back out with a fork.  But if either of us go back, we might just find ourselves on the forked edge.


Traveling through Milwaukee was supposed to be easy.  We were going to take the Oak Leaf Trail.  The trail, however, is sometimes a trail, is sometimes a road, is sometimes a sidewalk on the side of a road, and is sometimes labeled.

We'd find ourselves in the middle of a park, at a quadruple sidewalk intersection and no indications as to which branch was the continuation of the Oak Leaf Trail.  And it appears as if Milwaukee decided to name some of their other trails the Oak Leaf Trail, too.  Doesn't help.  Slow goings.

Unfortunate: we passed a number of Biergartens along the Oak Leaf Trail, but we never stopped to consult a map over beverages.

Fourth note: Milwaukee has definitely excelled at two things.  City parks and (to be named at some other time).  Please note in this note: excelled does not imply positive or good.  Yes, their park system is positive and good (great), but that other thing: not good.

Back to the Oak Leaf Trail, sorry - took a wrong turn somewhere.  If you see this sign, you might be on the trail:


106.19 miles on the day meant I did not have enough time for a wrong turn to find myself accidentally at Kopps.

I also didn't get to make a detour to the Milwaukee Public Museum to push the snake button.

But we did have lunch by (and rode near) the Milwaukee Art Museum.


The yellow-crowned night heron that had been sighted by a few people in Veteran's Park was not spotted by any of us.


Ya ya Milwaukee.


Track 11.  Badly Drawn Boy - Cause A Rockslide.  Your sweetness would cause a rock slide.  If only before the summertime.  This could be our last goodbye.  Please darling, please don't cry.

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