Day Three: Solton Springs, WI to Altoona, WI. 137.65 miles.
Someone may be attempting to teach me a lesson about discovering happiness. I have stepped my way through the lesson and have concluded that happiness may only be achieved in a vacuum (though necessitating a vacuum may render that happiness as false). But. But I do not live in a vacuum. Vacuums don’t have steady headwinds during 137.65 miles of riding and 10 hours 46 minutes and 24 seconds of butt in saddle. If I could find happiness in that environment, maybe I’ll learn that lesson.
I spent a lot of the day with my head down, staring at pavement in an attempt to hide from the wind. I did not hide well.
During this year’s Kettle 100, I overheard a lady telling a racer (I believe the racer was running the full 100 miles), “You’re not here for fun. You’re not here to enjoy yourself. You’re here to finish.” I had difficulty removing that mantra from my mind.
I did, however, find some fun, enjoyment, and happiness (take note: no vacuums here either):
Getting to ride the first 55 miles with Rich and having the opportunity to hear stories and memories of DBrowne during high school and college vacations.
Stanberry, Wisconsin. Home of the Stanberry Giants. Maybe my good friends Jeff and Mary Stanberry will load up their kids and make the drive north to eat and drink at the Stanberry Rail Saloon. I would hope they’d get at least a 10% discount.
The lunch stop was 7 miles beyond where it was expected, but the gracious homeowner who allowed us the use of his property also allowed us to pet his Springer Spaniel.
The change from a stern and concerned expression to laughing and smiling when the cell phone using construction worker learned why I was walking towards him. May I use your Port-o-Potty?
Track 11 iPod: Jonny Corndawg – When A Ford Man Turns To Chevy. Because heaven’s hands are going to lift you up when you’re flying down the road in your pickup truck.
Today was a windy day.
What about punish yourself? That's a nice mantra ;)